Central/Downtown St. Louis | North St. Louis | Northwest St. Louis | South/Southwest St. Louis | West St. Louis | Metro East (Illinois) | St. Charles County | Jefferson County | Senior Housing Directory When people move, we want to help them keep their pets with them, thereby reducing the number of pets given up to shelters. This section of the Web site provides details about St. Louis-area rental properties and their policies on allowing dogs and cats. We also have compiled a list of other good resources that address the issue of finding pet-friendly rental housing.Special information is also available on senior citizen housing policies towards dogs and cats. That section covers different types of special care facilities for senior citizens. The following property management companies have pet-friendly units all over the city of St. Louis:
When you successfully rent a unit located through our directory, please let the landlord know that you found them through the Metro Animal Pet-Friendly Rental Directory. |
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