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Metro Animal Resource Services, Inc.

Rescue/Adoption Directory

Pet Theft/Lost Animals
This section was last modified on Sunday, January 25, 2004.

The American Humane Society of the United States recommends that you leave your family pet outside unchaperoned no longer than you would your child. Pet theft is on the rise; thieves don't just target purebreds. Your friendly, lovable pet is at risk. Researchers need "people friendly" animals for their projects; many of them don�t ask questions about where the animals they buy come from. One of these animals in a lab experiment could be your missing pet.

The best way to ensure return of your lost pet is a collar and tag, and a Microchip. (Even indoor cats need collars. We suggest you put "lost indoor cat" instead of your name, so that anyone finding the cat won't think it's just roaming.) If your pet is missing, don�t just call the area animal shelters - go and visit and look, and keep looking, because descriptions of animals vary and are understood differently.

In the St. Louis area, also check the Pevely Flea Market and other Jefferson County Flea Markets. Bunchers and thieves buy and sell there. Take good proof of ownership � a photo of you with the pet also helps.

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P.O. Box 584
Chesterfield, MO  63006
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